Providing Independent Infrared Consulting est. 1985

Benefits of Infrared Services

Safety: Surveys are conducted with a minimum of contact with equipment

Reliability: A properly conducted inspection will produce results not obtained through conventional means

Affordability: Potential problems can be found before they become real issues, preventing unexpected shut-downs or replacement of expensive equipment

ROI (Return On Investment): Infrared Testing has the highest return on investment. “When an infrared inspection program is coupled with timely maintenance repairs and equipment condition improvement, it is common for the return on investment to be on the order of ten times the cost of the program.” www.mrgcorp.com

Benefits of Infrared

We Can Save You Money!

We have saved our clients millions of dollars in premature equipment failure, prevented costly down-time, and helped avoid safety hazards. All ThermoTesT employees are level III-certified infrared thermographers, certified in harmonic evaluation, ultrasonic testing and vibration analysis. Starting a preventive maintenance program with ThermoTest will improve performance, increase operational lifetime and reduce repair costs for your facility for years to come.

Free Consultation

Starting a preventive maintenance program with ThermoTest will improve performance, increase operational lifetime and reduce repair costs for your facility for years to come. Give us a call for a free consultation at (800) 897-4212 or complete for email form below!

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